Empowered Birth

About a year into my marriage, I started thinking about having kids.

Akasha Hines. Doula. Childbirth Education. Fitness Coach. Foster Mom

I’m a planner and even though I wasn’t ready right then, I knew that I wanted to be a mama. I also knew that I was scared to death to give birth and I DIDN’T want a birth like I had seen or heard from so many. Ya know, those Hollywood screaming while cursing the father births. In my mind, God created birth. He designed the female body to carry a baby to term and to deliver that baby into the world. My body, like any other mammal, was designed to give birth. In the animal kingdom, we don’t see mammals delivering in excruciating pain.

As I girl, I had watched my mama dog give birth to puppies. She clearly wasn’t super comfortable but she was calm and pup by pup she birthed them, licked them clean, and just followed her instincts. I will never forget it because this was her first litter and the first time I had ever seen a birth.

So with that in the back of my mind, I started to dig. I enjoy researching, reading, and learning. I KNEW that there had to be a better way to give birth than the way Hollywood portrayed it.

The first thing I stumbled upon was a water birth. I can’t tell you how many YouTube videos I watched of women giving birth in a tub. I know, a bit weird, but I never claimed to be normal. One night, I turned to my husband and said, I’m going to have a water birth. He looked at me like I was crazy. We weren’t pregnant, nor were we even trying to conceive…I’m sure this came out of left field (at least to him). My paramedic/firefighter hubs (who was totally medical minded) thought I would probably just have a baby like “normal” people did in a hospital with an OBGYN. I hadn’t quite shared my heart that that would NOT be happening.

Akasha Hines. North Texas. Home Birth. Doula

I knew he would take time to come around to the idea so at 23 years old (2 years before giving birth), I planted the seed that I would be doing things my way…a different way. I still had lots of research to do, more to learn, and God had a mighty work to do in my heart over the next few years…but one thing I can tell you after having three babies is this…birth was designed to be AMAZING.

It was designed to bring us even closer to the father and to empower us beyond belief. If you still live under the Curse of Eve…let me tell you that Jesus took that curse away when he died on the cross, just like he took away so much more. He bore the pain, so you don’t have to.

If you want the most empowering birth experience possible, then I encourage you to start learning now. You can read about my first, second, and third births, each one improving on the previous experience. Become the expert on YOUR body. No one can tell you what’s right or wrong for you, but the more knowledge you have about birth, about what God says about birth, and what you want, the less fear you will have.

It is my hope and dream as a Childbirth Educator and Doula to help educate and empower you to have YOUR best birth. It might not look like mine, and that’s okay, but it shouldn’t be wrought with fear and anxiety.

I would be honored to chat with you about your upcoming birth and support you in the process.


What is the difference between a Doula & a Midwife?


My First Birth